Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dobrodošlica - Welcome note

Ako ste ljubitelj prošlih vremena, ako ste silom prilika zalutali u 21. vek, ako prezirete trendove, ako ste i pored sveopšteg napretka ostali romantični onda je ŠMIZLA pravo mesto za vas.
Moda 80ih, 70ih, 60ih..
Demode,Hipi,Šik,Kič, UŽAS!

Pogledajte naš sajt , ili dodjite. Adresa je: Vukice Mitrović 3, Beograd


If you’re a retro aficionado, if you’ve accidentally stumbled into the 21st century, if you despise the trends and if you’ve remained romantic despite the ‘general evolution’ then ‘ŠMIZLA’ is the place for you.
Fashion of the 80s, 70s, 60s...
Demode, hippie, chic, kitsch, horror!

Visit our web page , or visit our store. Address is Vukice Mitrović 3, Belgrade

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